Create Projects - notebooks-ai/notebooks-manual GitHub Wiki offers multiple options to setup your projects, including:

  • Selecting base images with preinstalled packages
  • Cloning from Github/Bitbucket
  • Multiple box sizes based on your hardware needs
  • JupyterLab Solutions extension for educators

This guide explains each section in the project creation screen:

Basic project creation on

1. Project Information

Name is the only required field, everything else is optional. The slug is automatically computed from the name and it can't be changed. Description will be used mostly to provide context in the public view of your project. It can be left blank and fill it later.

2. Privacy

Privacy refers to the public view of your project. A Public project will be accessible from the internet and it'll be indexed by search engines. An Unlisted project means you can distribute the URL of your project so people can access it, but it won't appear in search engines or indices. A Private project will be accessible only to you.

See related article, publishing my projects.

3. Clone existing repository

Include the URL of a public Github/Bitbucket URL and will take care of cloning the repository for you. Your project will contain the files of the repository.

4. Image and Libraries offers multiple images for Data Science work. Each image includes a given Python version and a set of pre-installed tools. The Data Science image is the recommended one, which includes the most common packages for Data Science (numpy, pandas, matplotlib, etc.).

5. Box Size

Choose the hardware allocated for your project. Right now, larger box sizes are available only to beta users.

6. Enable Solutions

Solutions is a Jupyter Lab extension for educators. With Solutions you can mark some cells as either Solution or Hint in order to assist your students later.