neofs integration - notatestuser/chainline-contracts-kt GitHub Wiki

A complete implementation of a peer-to-peer courier network would store images of receipts and photographs of the items so that the receiving party (and couriers in a multi-hop journey) may verify that the item they are receiving is the one that they initially ordered.

In an ideal world, this data would be stored entirely on the blockchain and not rely on third-party services to host it. This is where NeoFS can serve to improve a system like Chain Line.


  • Storing photographs of purchased items & receipts, both at the point where an "exchange" between couriers in a multi-hop journey occurs and when the item reaches its final destination.
    • "Selfie" picture at the time of purchase/collection
    • A photograph of the item on each hop exchange
  • Security for contact information which could be brought on-chain and attached to a match encrypted with the other party's public key, making it only readable by them and remove reliance on a third party service responsible for storing this data.
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