6.1 Controller composition - notafrancescodavid/webmvcframework GitHub Wiki

Until now we have executed examples involving a single controller. In the web it is usual to divide an HTML page in several sections each one with a different role (e.g. a gallery of images, a navigation bar etc...). Some of these sections are reused in different pages; this usually implies redundancy of code and an additional complexity to software management. WebMVC cope with this problem by defining for each of these sections a controller. All controllers representing the sections are then encapsulated in one parent controller. In general, a controller has the capability to use other controllers. This is extremely useful for the management of complex logical and graphical structures and for the reuse of these controllers.

To fully understand how to create a composite controller we can imagine a situation where we have a navigation bar that can be used in different pages.


namespace controllers;

use framework\Controller;
use framework\Model;
use framework\View;
use models\CompositePage as CompositePageModel;
use views\CompositePage as CompositePageView;
use controllers\NavigationBar;

class CompositePage extends Controller
    protected $view;
    protected $model;

    public function __construct(View $view=null, Model $model=null)
	$this->view = new CompositePageView("/composite_page");
        $this->model = new CompositePageModel();

    protected function autorun($parameters = null)
        $message = $this->model->getMessage();
        $navigation = new NavigationBar();

// TO DO


namespace controllers;

use framework\Controller;
use views\NavigationBar as NavigationBarView;

class NavigationBar extends Controller

    protected function autorun($parameters = null)
        $this->view = new NavigationBarView();



namespace models;

use framework\Model;

class CompositePage extends Model
 public function getMessage()
    return "This example shows the composition of two controllers: 
            CompositePage and NavigationBar. The first manages the whole page 
            and the second the control flow of the navigation bar";

// TO DO


// class CompositePage. This views receives 
// the template composite_page and show a welcome message

namespace views;

use framework\View;

class CompositePage extends View
    public function __construct($tplName = null)
        if (empty($tplName))
            $tplName = "/composite_page";
    public function setVarMessage($value)




// class NavitationBar. This view
// loads the template navigation_bar 

namespace views;

use framework\View;

class NavigationBar extends View
    public function __construct($tplName = null)
        if (empty($tplName))
            $tplName = "/navigation_bar";

// TO DO

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