Creating a bot application - not-ilinked/Anarchy GitHub Wiki

Bot applications are the typical bots you'll see in servers. They've got their own role and the 'BOT' badge, and it's the type of bot you'll often see tutorials for on YouTube. There are many differences between bot and user accounts, but only the process of joining servers will be covered here.

Creating the application

The steps to creating the bot application is as follows:

  • Go to the Discord Developer Portal and log into your account if you haven't already.
  • Click on the blue "New application" button at the top, enter a name for your application and hit "Create".
  • Go to the "Bot" tab and click "Add bot".

Now you should see something like this: Application bot

Here you can customize the bot however you'd like.

Bot tokens

Tokens are used by Discord to authorize requests coming from an account, which also applies to bots. In the "Bot" page you can hit "Copy" to copy your token, but be adviced that anyone with this has full access to your account. If you accidentally share your token with someone, you can hit the "Regenerate" button to generate a new token.

Inviting the bot

Bots cannot join servers by invites like regular users can. Instead they are invited through an "authorization link" that is shared with an admin of the server. This authorization link also tells the admin what permissions you want your bot to have.

To make one of these links, do the following:

  • Go to the "OAuth2" tab.
  • Select "bot" under "Scopes".
  • Select what permissions you want your bot to have.

Auth link

You can now hit the "Copy" button and share it with others.