Attribute: Fires Stunballs - nosoop/SM-TFCustomWeaponAttributes GitHub Wiki

As demonstrated in Karma Charger's Putt Dispenser.

Abuses the override projectile type attribute to fire Sandman balls... somewhat. The Sandman balls do not have the exact same behavior as the ones used by the Scout.

They deal 15 damage and stun opponents for 1 second.

BUG: If the player is too close to the enemy, the projectile that was spawned from the weapon (the one that is supposed to be overridden) may not be replaced in time. Since it's a flare, it may set people on fire.

Plugin name: custom-weapon-soup


  • fires stunballs: any value to enable
  • Also requires adding override projectile type with a value of 6 from the TF2Attributes plugin. I'm not quite sure why I can't get it to work automatically.