Examples - nosoop/SM-LevelKeyValues GitHub Wiki

Here are some examples of what Level KeyValues is capable of:

// global forward that gets called after a block of key/value pairs comprising an entity is parsed
// any return value other than Plugin_Stop will add the block to the level entity list to be serialized later
public Action LevelEntity_OnEntityKeysParsed(LevelEntityKeyValues entity) {
	char classname[64];
	entity.GetString("classname", classname, sizeof(classname));
	// remove any spawn areas that don't have team numbers
	// TF2 navigation meshes treat areas as the wrong team when they are present
	if (StrEqual(classname, "info_player_teamspawn") && !entity.GetNum("TeamNum")) {
		return Plugin_Stop;
	// swap intel teams and capture zones around
	// make sure you're on CTF first though
	if (StrEqual(classname, "item_teamflag") || StrEqual(classname, "func_capturezone")) {
		switch (entity.GetNum("TeamNum")) {
			case TFTeam_Red: {
				entity.AddNum("TeamNum", TFTeam_Blue);
			case TFTeam_Blue: {
				entity.AddNum("TeamNum", TFTeam_Red);
	return Plugin_Continue;
// global forward that gets called once all entity blocks are parsed, you may do things with the entire list
public void LevelEntity_OnAllEntitiesParsed() {
	LevelEntityKeyValues hostage = new LevelEntityKeyValues();

	float origin[] = { 1376.0, 3168.0, -112.0 }, angles[] = { 0.0, 111.0, 0.0 };
	hostage.AddVector("origin", origin);
	hostage.AddNum("HostageType", 0);
	hostage.AddVector("angles", angles);
	hostage.AddString("classname", "hostage_entity");

	delete hostage;