User Guide - nosleeptbh/MobileAppProject GitHub Wiki
Welcome to my MobileApp Project. My mobile application is a weather app. (Note my app looks best on mobile view rather than browser). On the homepage of the app there is a search bar at the top where you can enter any city(or town) in the world and by clicking Search City an API runs that gathers all the weather data of that searched city, including the country name, temperature, weather description, wind speed and a weather icon. That data will remained displayed until you enter another city, beside the Search City button there is Save Favourite city which will save your favourite city to local storage, an alert will notify what city you've saved. On the bottom of my home page there is a navigation tab page containing 3 icons, a heart which navigates to your favourite weather page, a globe which navigates to a page on global warming and an information symbol which brings you to a contact us page.
When you click on the heart icon it brings you to my second page, the idea of this page was to always display the weather of whatever you saved as your favourite city as an easier way to view your local weather or most searched weather location. The title of the page will update based on what city you save as a favourite, a back button is also displayed which navigates back to the homepage. The first line 'welcome back' will also display your name if you filled in the contact us page, and the second line will display your saved 'favourite city' from homepage. The data is also stored locally so it will remain there until you change any of the variables. I Could not figure out how to insert the saved 'favourite city' name into my search API so that is why the weather details remain blank.
When you click on the globe icon it brings you to my third page, on this page I felt while on the topic of weather I'd mention global warming, I wrote a small piece and used the InAppBrowser Plugin to display some helpful links on the effects and what we can do to stop global warming. A back button at the top will navigate you back to the home page.
The last icon on my navigation tab is a contact us page. On this page there is a form where you can enter your name email and whatever your query is. If you have your details saved on browser predictive text will suggest entering your details, when you click submit, your information will be saved in local storage and your name will now appear on the favourite page the next time you navigate to it.