Behaviors - norybiak/AltspaceSDK-wiki GitHub Wiki

##What are behaviors? Behaviors are functions that make objects do stuff. It's a pattern that promotes cleaner and reusable code.

##Basic layout

Start, update, and config are optional. Awake is technically optional too, but without awake you won't have easy access to the object3d.

function MyBehavior(config) 

    var config = config || null;
    var object3d;
    function awake(o) 
         object3d = o;

    function start() 


    function update() 

    //only return what you need to be exposed. If you don't use start or update, don't return it.
    return { awake: awake, start: start, update: update };

##Core functions

###function awake(o) Awake is called before start and update.

Notice that awake is given o. o in this case is the object3D in which the behavior is attached to. You can name o to whatever you want, but it's better to create a variable called object3d and assign o to it (based on the basic layout above).


function awake(o) 
    object3d = o;
    otherVar = otherStuff;

###function start() Start is called after awake and before update.


function start() 
   //All initialization is done, run the important functions that depended on the init.

###function update() Update is called on every frame after awake and start have finished working.


function start(optionalParam) 
     //this will move the object 0.001 units on y (upwards).
     object3d.position.y += 0.001;

##Other functions You can create other functions within the behavior that support the core functions and any config options. You can see an example below (getVec3FromString(str)). #Example This example uses oOblik's native component library

* Behavior: DebugPosition  
* Description: Create text on the cockpit that shows the x,y,z coordinates of the object3d  
* Config: textPosition - the position of the debug text on the cockpit
* Usage: object3d.addBehavior(DebugPosition({textPosition: '0 0 0'}));  

function DebugPosition(config) 
	var config = config || null;
	var pos = getVec3FromString(config.textPosition);
	var object3d;
	var debugText, cockpitParent;
	function getVec3FromString(str)
		if (str !== undefined)
			var params = str.split(' ');
			return new THREE.Vector3(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
			return new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
	function awake(o) 
		object3d = o;

		debugText = new NativeComponent("n-text", { text: ' ' });		
		cockpitParent = new NativeComponent('n-cockpit-parent', null, debugText.object).addTo(sim.scene);
	function update(deltaTime) 
		var str = 'X: ' + object3d.position.x + 'Y: ' + object3d.position.y + 'Z: ' + object3d.position.z;
		debugText.update({text: str});
	return { awake: awake, update: update };