Idea Tips - norxiva/bunin GitHub Wiki

This custom Spring bean has not yet been parsed.

Error running $classname: Command line is too long. Shorten command line for $classname

modify .idea/workspace.xml

append content below in <component name="PropertiesComponent">

<property name="dynamic.classpath" value="true" />

cancel import package.*

Menu Path: Setting -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Imports

modify [Class count to use import with '*':] from 5 to 999

modify [Names count to use static import with '*':] from 3 to 999

format all code

  • select project directory
  • select menu: Code -> Format Code
  • choose optimise imports if you need

memory not enough

modify idea.exe.vmoptions in the folder of idea.exe

change -Xmx512m to -Xmx1024m

This custom Spring bean has not yet been parsed.

If you put your cursor on the bean that has the warning a quick fix should pop up that will allow you to parse the bean definition. You'll also get the benefit of code completion in the custom tags after that.

import google style

Menu: File -> Settings -> Editor —> Code Style -> Java, import google style scheme

set hard wrap

File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style, hard wrap at '120' to '100'