Commands - nortxort/tinybot-rtc GitHub Wiki

Tinybot-rtc commands are bassicly the same as those of the original tinybot, although some have been removed due to them being specific to that protocol version.

The default prefix ! for commands can be changed within the config file. The prefix will be refered to as [p] in this document.

L1 Commands.

[p]kill - kills the bot.

[p]reboot - reboots the bot.

These commands are ONLY available if the bot is using the room owner account.

[p]mod (account name) - make a tinychat account a room moderator.

[p]rmod (account name) - remove a tinychat account from the room moderators.

[p]dir - toggles if the room should be shown on the directory.

[p]p2t - toggles if the room should be in push2talk mode.

[p]crb - clear all room bans. NOTE: not sure if tihis should be in this version, as i think it will only unban banned user from the flash chat. Not tested.

L2 Commands.

[p]mi - shows media info.

L3 Commands.

[p]op (username) - make another user a bot controller.

[p]deop (username) - remove bot control from a user.

[p]noguest - allow/disallow guests to join the room. User will be kicked if disallowed.

[p]lurkers - allow/disallow lurkers to join the room. User will be kicked if disallowed.

[p]guestnick - allow/disallow guest nicks to join. User will be kicked if disallowed.

[p]greet - enable/disable user greeting on entry.

[p]pub - allow/disallow public commands.

[p]kab - toggles between using kick for auto bans.

[p]rs - shows the current room settings. (bot must be using room owner account)

[p]top (number) - creates a playlist from the most played tunes on

[p]ran (number) - creates a playlist from tunes other people are listening to on

[p]tag (search term) - searches for tunes matching the search term and creates a playlist.

[p]pls (search term) - searches youtube for playlist matching the search term.

[p]plp (playlist index) - plays playlist from search.

[p]ssl - shows what is in the search list currently.

L4 Commands.

[p]skip - plays next tune in the playlist.

[p]del - delete track(s) or range of tracks from the playlist.

[p]rpl - replays the last played tune.

[p]mbpl - resume a track in pause state.

[p]mbpa - pause a track.

[p]seek (time) - time seek the track.

[p]cm - closes the currently playing media.

[p]cpl - clears the playlist for all items.

[p]spl - shows the next 5 tracks in the playlist.

[p]yts (search term) - searches youtube for videos matching the search term and displays 5 results in chat.

[p]pyts (0-4) - plays a tune from the youtube search or adds it to the playlist.

[p]clr - clears the chatbox.

[p]nick (nickname) - gives the bot a new nick name.

[p]kick (username) - kicks a user out of the room.

[p]ban (username) - bans a user from the room.

[p]bn (username) - adds a username to the bad nicks file.

[p]rmbn (username) - removes a username from the bad nicks file.

[p]bs (word) - adds a word to the bad words file.

[p]rmbs (word) - removes a word from the bad words file.

[p]ba (account name) - adds an account to the bad accounts file.

[p]rmba (account name) - removes an account from the bad accounts file.

[p]list (list type) - shows info about different lists/files.

[p]uinfo (username) - shows info about a room user.

[p]cam (username) - allows a user to broadcast if green room is enabled. NOTE: If no user name is provided, then the user sending the command will be allowed.

[p]close (username) - close a users broadcast.

[p]sbl (username) - search the banlist.

[p]fg (search index) - forgive a user(by index) from the banlist search.

[p]unb (username) - unban a user by username. use / to unban last banned user.

L5 Commands (if enabled).

[p]v - shows version info.

[p]help - makes the bot post a link to this page.

[p]t - shows how long the bot has been online.

[p]yt (youtube title, link or id) - plays a youtube or adds it to the playlist.

[p]q - shows info about the playlist.

[p]n - shows the next tune in the playlist.

[p]np - shows info about the currently playing media.

[p]wp - show who is playing the current track.

[p]acspy (account) - shows status of a tinychat account.

[p]urb (search term) - finds a definition of a search term on urbandictionary.

[p]wea (city country) - shows weather data for a given city.

[p]ip (ip address or domain) - traces IP or domain.

[p]cn - finds a random Chuck Norris quote/joke.

[p]8ball (yes/no question) - magic eight ball answers to yes/no questions.

[p]roll - rool a dice.

[p]flip - flip a coin.

Always enabled.

[p]pmme - opens a PM session with the bot.

PM commands.

L1 PM Commands.

[p]key (new key) - sets a new secret key or shows the current key. If no new key is provided, the current key is shown.

[p]clrbn - clears the bad nicks file.

[p]clrbs - clears the bad words file.

[p]clrba - clears the bad accounts file.

L5 PM Commands.

[p]opme (key) - makes a user a bot controller or super bot controller. A valid key is needed.