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Tinybot-rtc uses a user level system, just like the original tinybot. The different user level will be explained here.

0 - Reserved for the client.

1 - Room owner. This level is assigned to the room owner, or it can be assigned a user that has the correct super key, IF the bot is using the room owner account.

2 - This user level is assigned to a user that has the correct key.

3 - This user level is assigned room moderators.

4 - This user level is assigned a user who has been made a bot controller by one of the following user levels: 1,2,3

5 - This user level is assigned a normal user.

6 - This user level is assigned to a user who will be ignored by the bot. (not implemented)

Commands have been grouped together, depending on what level is needed to use them. They will be refered to as L1 for user level 1 and L2 for user level 2 commands and so on.

When a user attempts to use a command, the bot will check that the user has the correct user level. So if a user is level 3 (moderator) then that user would be able to use any of these commands: L3, L4 and L5. If a user is level 4 (made bot controller), then these commands would be avaiable: L4 and L5. This also means that a user with level 3 can't do L1 or L2 commands and so on.

When it comes to banning users there is a rule: A user can not ban a user with a lower user level! This means that a user with user level 4 (made bot controller) can not ban a moderator (user level 3) and so on.