Requirements - nortxort/pinylib GitHub Wiki

Requirements/Dependencies for Pinylib

The recommended python interpreter is python 2.7

There is 5 dependencies pinylib requires to work, these being:

In the case of selenium, you will need a driver to be able to communicate with your preferred web browser. Read the installation documentation.

The modules stated above can be installed through your command terminal i.e. command prompt (for Windows users) or terminal (Linux/Mac users).

The normal pip install modulename, should be the default command to install a module into your existing Python 2.7 installation. e.g. pip install requests. Alternatively, easy_install can be used to install these modules with e.g. easy_install colorama.

Alternatively you could download each module one by one, unpack them and then place them in the root directory of pinylib.

NOTE: The terminal, in the event that python is not a default environmental variable on your computer; should be set to the Python 2.7 installation folder (on Windows: C:\Python27).