Configuration - nortxort/pinylib-rtc GitHub Wiki

Explanation of the different configuration settings within pinylib-rtc's file.The default settings should work in most cases, but you can change them as you see fit.

ACCOUNT - Entering a tinychat account name here will prevent being asked when running the client.

PASSWORD - Entering the tinychat account password here will prevent being asked when running the client.

FALLBACK_RTC_VERSION - When running the client, pinylib-rtc will try and parse the current version from tinychat, if this fails, this version will be used instead.

CHAT_LOGGING - Enable/disable chat logging. Enabling this will log all chat events to a file. Chat events are when someone joins, leaves, sends a message and so on. The default location for logs is rooms/roomname/logs/. NOTE: This location will be created if set to True

DEBUG_MODE - Setting this to True will show additional info and errors in the console.

DEBUG_TO_FILE - This is not to be confused with CHAT_LOGGING or DEBUG_MODE. Setting this to True, will log information from core files in pinylib-rtc and it's sub modules. The name of the debug file can be set with DEBUG_FILE_NAME. The location of this log will be in the root directory. It is not recommended to leave this set to True for a long periode of time, as this file can get rather big. NOTE: This only has effect if you are running the If you plan on subclassing, then you must create a logger inside your subclass.

DEBUG_LEVEL - This controls the amount of information that will be written to the debug file (if enabled) The default is 30 (warnings, errors and critial) For more information, see this

CONSOLE_COLORS - Setting this to True, will use colors in the console for different events that may occur in the chat.

USE_24HOUR - The time format for the console and chat logs.

DEBUG_FILE_NAME - The file name of pinylib-rtc's debug log. See DEBUG_TO_FILE above.

CONFIG_PATH - The path where pinylib should create room folders. Inside the room folder is also where the log files are found.