Fields - northwest-knowledge-network/mdedit GitHub Wiki

[Based on Design Doc, ISO Table 2 of mandatory/optional, Ed/Luke’s document of required, discover, recommended, and optional fields] Written by Marisa, June 1, 2015

Fields currently in editor/iso result:

  1. file uuid (for metadata record)
  2. language code
  3. char set
  4. contact (NKN)
  5. date stamp
  6. metadata standard & version
  7. citation: title
  8. citation: date
  9. citation: resp party as originator (enabled to add multiple)
  10. abstract
  11. theme keywords
  12. place keywords
  13. language code for data
  14. topic category (ISO list)
  15. metadata constraints (NKN’s license, CCL)
  16. metadata contact (NKN)
  17. maintenance of data (default is “as needed”)
  18. update frequency of data
  19. resource constraints
  20. hierarchy level
  21. spatial extent
  22. vertical extent (will be an optional field)
  23. temporal extent
  24. spatial data type
  25. data distributor (NKN is default, will be set up for users to select NKN as distributor)
  26. distributor: online resources (allow multiple entries)
  27. distributor: distribution format

Fields we may choose to add later: (looking to others for input here)

  1. spatial resolution
  2. lineage
  3. reference system
  4. keyword thesaurus
  5. spatial representation info
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