raster_engraving - nortd/lasersaur GitHub Wiki

Raster Engraving Ideas

LasaurApp/SVG parser additions

In LasaurApp we need to write additons to the svg parser. It needs to look for embedded images and vector fills. These need to be converted to lines of pixels which are then converted to the following G-code format.

Raster Data

svg_tag_reader.py already looks for image tags in the SVG but currently doesn do anything with it. This needs to be extended so we get G-code raster lines from the image data.

Vector Data

Similarly to an image we need G-code raster lines. This should be fairly simple with solid fills and non-overlapping shapes.

Firmware/G-code additions

G8 P0.1
G8 X50
G8 N
G8 D<data>
G8 D<raster data encoded in ascii>
G8 N
G8 D<data>

G8 P0.1 sets the dimensions of one 'dot'. It's the space reserved for one data pixel, one character in the raster data. The technical minimum is 0.034mm (based on the minimum step distance) but for best results this should reflect the focus diameter of the setup.

G8 X50 defines the direction of the raster data and the offset. So 'X' means data will be interpreted as x-axis lines. The offset is necessary to achieve constant speed during engraving. It's the distance used for accelerating the head (and also decelerating).

G8 D<data> sends the actual data. Likewise lines will be concatenated until a 'G8 N' arrives. Currently line length is limited to 80 characters. The actual data is encoded into the extended ascii range ([128,255]). Each character is a dot. The new raster line marker also resets the head to the next line which is 0.1mm (or whatever was defined with G8 Px) under the next.

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