6 PushImagesToArmadilloIoTGW - norikuro/Armadillo-IoT GitHub Wiki

6. How to push images to Armadillo IoT GW

6-1. connect Armadillo IoT GW terminal from your laptop or ATDE VM

6-2. download images from Armadillo IoT GW and use following command on hermit prompt.

client ip: Armadillo IoT GW hardware

tftp server ip: ADTE VM

tftpdl (client ip) (tftp server ip) --blksize=1024 --userland=romfs.img.gz


tftpdl --blksize=1024 --userland=romfs.img.gz

about option:

bootloader: --bootloader

kernel: --kernel

userland: --userland

config: --config