1 HowToBuildLinux - norikuro/Armadillo-IoT GitHub Wiki

1. How to build Armadillo Linux

1-1. Download following files using wget command on the ATDE console.


wget http://armadillo.atmark-techno.com/files/downloads/armadillo-iot/source/linux-3.14-at6.tar.gz
wget http://armadillo.atmark-techno.com/files/downloads/armadillo-iot/source/atmark-dist-20160126.tar.gz
wget http://armadillo.atmark-techno.com/files/downloads/armadillo-wlan/source/driver/AWL13/awl13-3.0.2-3.tar.gz
wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: gpw_e24=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oracle.com%2F; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/ejdk/8u73-b02/ejdk-8u73-linux-arm-sflt.tar.gz"

1-2. Decompress tar gz files.

tar zxf atmark-dist-20160126.tar.gz
tar zxf awl13-3.0.2-3.tar.gz
tar zxf ejdk-8u73-linux-arm-sflt.tar.gz
tar zxf linux-3.14-at6.tar.gz

1-3. Create symbolic link in atmark-dist-20160126 directory.

cd atmark-dist-20160126
ln -s ../awl13-3.0.2-3 awl13
ln -s ../linux-3.14-at6 linux-3.x
ln -s ../ejdk1.8.0_73 ejdk

1-4. Download python patches and apply these patch.

cd to user directory

cd atmark-dist-20160126/user

save current python directory

mv python python.old

get python module and decompress it.

wget http://download.atmark-techno.com/misc/forum/1561/atmark-dist-python279.tar.gz
tar zxf atmark-dist-python279.tar.gz

after this, change directory to atmark-dist-20160126 directory.

cd ..

and get patch.

wget http://download.atmark-techno.com/misc/forum/1561/atmark-dist-v20150727-add-python279.patch

appy patch using patch command

patch -p1 < atmark-dist-v20150727-add-python279.patch

1-5. make configuration for Armadillo linux

cd atmark-dist-20160126
make menuconfig

At Main Menu, select "Vendor/Product Selection".

At Vendor/Product Selection, select "Vendor". And select "AtmarkTechno"

At AtmarkTechno Products section, select "Armadillo-IoTG-Std" for Product

And Exit the menu, and get back to Main Menu.

At Kernel/Library/Defaults Selection, select "Customize Vendor/User Settings (NEW)".

Exit and get back to Main Menu, and then Exit the menu.

select "Yes" to save your new kernel configuration.

At Userland Configuration menu, select "Network Applications".

Select ntpd, ntpdate and ntpq.

At Userland Configuration menu, select "Miscellaneous Applications".

Deselect java and ruby because these modules are too big when we add python module.

Select python and stdlib (NEW), 2to3 (NEW) and select file type of py (not pyc).

Then exit the menu and select "Yes" to save your new kernel configuration.

Build linux kernel and userland image using make command.


After build is finished, check that there are kernel and userland image in images folder.

ls images/

linux.bin linux.bin.gz romfs.img romfs.img.gz