UCContributeToNordquipSousmsUsingGitShell - nordquip/sousms GitHub Wiki



  • sousms developer


developer reads and writes nordquip/sousms (the main git repository)


  • Git shell installed on developer's computer
  • developer added to nordquip/sousms collaborators list


  • Successful - developers changes successfully added to repostitory
  • Unsuccessful - developers changes not in the repository


  1. start git shell
  2. cd to directory in which you would like to store your local copy of the repository
  3. git clone [email protected]:nordquip/sousms.git # create new local repo
    System responds with clone statistics
  4. cd sousms # cd to the new local repository
    Here are some testing commands:
  5. git pull # pull any new changes
    System will probably report 'Already up to date'
  6. git push # push any new changes (none) up to nordquip/sousms on github.com
  7. create a new file
  8. git add --dry-run .
    Add any new files in this directory and any subdirs to the index. Shows what would be added, but does not do the add.
    The index is the list of files in your local directory that are (or will be) also present in the github.com repository.
  9. git pull # pull any new changes
    System reports any changes pulled into local repo
  10. git commit -a -m 'message describing your file addition'
    System reports your file added to the index
  11. git push
    System reports changes made to the nordquip/sousms repo

Alternate path

Starting after step 6 above:
7. Edit or delete or rename an existing file
8. git pull
9. git commit -a -m 'description of changes'
10. git push

Other commands

  • git status
    shows files present in your local directory that have not yet been committed, including new files that have not yet been added and committed.
  • git show <sha#>
    <sha#> is the number git assigns when it does a commit. Shows the changes you committed with this commit.
  • git log
    Shows the sha#, author, message, and commit time for each commit.
  • git log <filename>
    shows this same information for only the commits involving the file you specify.
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