Team minutes Trade Engine - nordquip/sousms GitHub Wiki

Goals for 121119

  • Jeremy - Finish Looper.Orders, call sp_buy, sp_sell, test and put in repository -- DONE ( & -- NEEDS ADDITIONAL TESTING BASED ON UPDATED SP's
  • Anthony -- sp_sell
  • Brittany - finish marketsell.class.php -- DONE
  • Brittany - copy working version to te/service -- DONE
  • Jeff - make trade.php call marketsell.class.php
  • Ben - finish marketbuy.class.php -- DONE
  • Jeff - copy working version to te/service
  • Jeff K. - add description of return value (successful or unsuccessful) sp_marketBuy() (adds to open orders table)
  • Nick - make engine read the config file and connect to the database -- DONE
    • The Engine now reads the config file on startup
  • Nick - test after the stored procedures are done -- MOSTLY DONE
    • The Engine has been tested on a production grade machine for reading config data and connecting to the database. But I'll have to talk to Jeff about how we're loading sql data before testing on the engine can finish.
  • Jeff M - sp_buy
  • Jeff M - add sql to create OpenOrders OpenOrderHistory
  • add trade engine stored procedures to src/database
  • modify src/database/sousmsInit.sql to source in new procedures

Goals for 121112

Garrett missing.

  • Brittany - Proposed: Write sql stored procedure header getAllOpenOrders. -- DONE.
  • Garret - Write build script / makefile for java executor -- DONE.
  • Jeremy - Looper.Orders -- NOT DONE. Started, but not in repository.
  • Collect all stored Procedures needed into src/te/tradeEngineStoredProcedures.sql -- DONE
  • Write headers (with parameter and return descriptions) for all stored Procedures the trade engine Web and java side needs. (Brittany to create file, everyone to add their stored procedure, Jeff to review, Nick to add task to nordquip/sousms issues). -- DONE
  • Nick - Implement trade initator portion of the Looper. -- DONE
  • Jeff - add description of return value (successful or unsuccessful) sp_marketBuy() (adds to open orders table) -- NOT DONE
  • Orders class - for looper with Buy and Sell subclasses. -- NOT DONE - Orders class is done, but buy and sell not
  • Ben (buy) -- NOT DONE -- rough draft in repository *Brittany (sell) -- Stored procedure done Jeff M. - finalize buy, sell webservices.


Need a way to get the configuration data from the config file. Build team is planning to expose environment variables that could be accessed by any php. Could also create a php class that would read the file that other PHP objects could call.

Goals for 121105

Anthony not present

  • Nick - move issues into nordquip/ -- NOT DONE
    • It was decided that moving all the Trade Engine issues would clutter the main issues page more than it would help organize the teams. Instead, Trade Engine specific issues will stay where they are and inter-group issues will be posted on the main issues page.
  • Nick - Write Executor.Engine, which will be the 'main' Java program -- DONE
    • A basic Executor engine has been constructed. It can now be started/stopped from the startup script.
  • Jememy - * Write a small java program that will call a stored procedure and retrieve a value set by the stored procedure -- DONE -- not tested. Note:
  • Anthony - GetUserIDForToken stored prcedure (see stored procedure in shared directory)
  • Jeff M - #23 - implement exector trade.php -- similar to ua.php. Executor will call GetUserIDForToken stored procedure and pass a real userID to other webservice behaviors.
  • Jeff K - #17 Write sql stored procedure for Buy()
  • Ben - #24 -- implement a MarketBuy class ala (Credentials.class.php) -- KINDA DONE
  • Brittany - #25 -- implement web side --DONE (written and uploaded, but with an unresolved error)
  • Garret - Write build script / makefile for java executor -- NOT DONE.
  • All - review -- add comments / approval to issues #21

Goals for 121029: Garret didn't show


  • Jeff: Create prototype Webservice: UA getID for token, getID for token, -- DONE

Implementation goals:

  • Nick daemonize tradeExecutor server -- DONE -- have a start, stop, restart, status script

    • Wrote custom init script which will handle starting and stopping the tradeExecutor as a daemon.
  • Garret write a makefile for it if necessary

  • Write a small java program that will call a PHP page and display what the php page displays -- DONE: Ben did -- not yet in repository -- Ben can't sync. All intraTradeEngine communication will be through the database.

  • Write a small java program that will call a stored procedure and retrieve a value set by the stored procedure -- NOT DONE Note:

  • Found a website that will help with this, explains using CallableStatement in Java - (Jememy

  • Write stored procedure stubs for interfaces needed to do a sell. All we are doing is getting the stored procedure in place, so it can be called. -- DONE: Brittany did, but can't commit

  • Check this code into an appropriate place in the repository.

##Goals for 121022: Garret missing


  • Team goal: Finish writing interfaces for Trade Engine -- DONE


  • Team goal: Pseudocode each interface -- DONE


We have decided to use PHP for communication with the UI infrastructure and Java for the core of the Trade Engine. The core architecture will be based on a 'queue system' for handling transactions. This will give the Trade Engine more flexibility for adding limit orders in the future.

##Goals for 121017:


  • Team goal: Finalize list of use cases for trade engine
  • list of interface specifications needed by each use case


  • decide what language we want to write in -- DONE - java
  • All: implement hello world for all of your interfaces -- NOT DONE: Web service interface template not yet finished.

##Goals for 121010:

###Infrastructure goals:

  • Nick: Create a GitHub fork for the Trade Engine team -- DONE
  • Nick: Make all team members collaborators on the fork -- DONE
  • Nick: Send all team members the URL of the fork -- DONE:
  • All: Clone the testing fork repository onto your local system -- NOT DONE

###Use case goals:

###Notes: Division of labor:
Jeff - Mashups
See fork wiki