Team minutes Mobile - nordquip/sousms GitHub Wiki

Goals for 121128

  • Cody: Make pretty.
  • Jian: Make mobile/html/tradepage.html pretty. -- DONE
  • Terak: Make mobile/html/profile.html
  • Nick: Make mobile/html/researchpage.html pretty.
  • Sean Ewing: Make login and homepage pretty.

Goals for 121121

  • Cody: Hide the top task bar on log in page -- DONE
  • Jian: Work on sending trade requests to the trade engine. -- DONE
  • Terak: Make mobile/html/profile.html
  • Terak: Access Database/UA to display User's Portfolio.
  • Nick: Call stored procedures sp_getPrice() for displaying current price of stocks in research list.
  • Nick: Implement search function for removing divs without reloading page.
  • Nick: Enable JavaScript in the Android App -- Talked with Cody and he implemented this a couple weeks ago
  • Sean: Get login/homepage to access UA/Database. -- IN PROCESS deciphering test.php, webServiceCaller.include.php and WSRequestManacer.class.php
  • Sean: Implement common base CSS on all pages. -- Almost Completed all CSS just have to link all pages to it and change tag attributes

Stretch goal:

  • Sean & Cody: Validate pages with HTML5 standards and validate CSS.

Goals for 121114

  • Jian: Implement data list in mobile/html/tradepage.html -- DONE
  • Jian: Implement quantity of stocks mobile/html/tradepage.html -- DONE
  • Nick: Finish src/mobile/html/research.html -- DONE
  • Nick: Integrate research.html into cody's new buttons -- DONE
  • Sean Ewing: Create css document for all pages -- DONE
  • Sean Ewing: Get in touch with UA about Getting an account we can authenticate via mobile -- DONE
  • Sean Ewing/Cody: Find out how the Database crew authenticates users. -- DONE
  • Cody: Implement multiple buttons in the top (non-webview portion of the screen) -- DONE
  • Cody: Redirect to appropriate page based on the button pushed -- DONE
  • Terak: review doc/ -- NOT DONE
  • Terak: add dummy calls to these interfaces to profile.php -- NOT DONE, though did work on profile.php

Stretch goals:

  • Sean Ewing: Validate cookie or user authentication on page change
  • Terak: Implement stored procedures on profile page

Goals for 121107:

  • TEAM: Set up regular meeting times to discuss goals, implementations, and ideas surrounding the application (Tuesdays @ 3:30?).-- DONE

  • Note From Nick: We have the choice of logging in through Java implementation or WebView implementation. Let's go with the least data intensive method(in regards to network data). This must be decided before Sean Ewing's goals can be completed as the login page will be made in either XHTML or Java. The group has been leaning towards XHTML.

  • Jian: implement buy button and sell button. -- DONE

  • Jian: implement stock drop down menu. -- DONE

  • Cody: Get webview to fill only the bottom of the display. -- DONE

  • Cody: Put home/login page into the bottom (webview portion of the screen) -- DONE

  • Sean Ewing: Set up login page to authenticate the user with the server to continue into the application. -- DONE Note: Authenicated as much as possible without user accounts stored procedures and communication with the UA Database

  • Sean Ewing: Redirect to the "Home Page" upon user authentication. -- DONE

  • Nick: Create Research Page (Ver 1.0 of Research Page) -- DONE - but in repository

  • Terak - add profile html 5 page to the repository -- DONE

Stretch goals:

  • Sean Ewing: Start implementation of CSS to make the application look and feel like an application, not blank. -- NOT DONE: have a css page, but is not yet integrated.
  • Cody: Implement a button in the top (non-webview portion of the screen) -- DONE

Goals for 121031: Sean Ewing gone

  • Cody & Nick: put current 'gold' version on mobile fork -- DONE
  • Nick: make directory src/mobile in fork repository -- DONE
  • Sean Ewing: put html5 pages in src/mobile in fork repository -- DONE
  • Nick: push a version of mobile fork up to nordquip/sousms -- DONE
  • Cody: Implement WebView -- DONE
  • Nick - research integration of xml and html5 -- DONE
  • Terak - add one html 5 page to the repository -- NOT DONE
  • Jian - add one html 5 page to the repository -- DONE -- drag page

Goal for 121025:

Design Goals:

  • Each person create one interface specification for the area you are working on. Put these interfaces in theMrNiceGuy/SOUSMS-Mobile-Team/doc/ -- DONE

Implementation goals:

  • Nick: create helloWorld app and get working, then create a brand new project on a different machine, transfer the minimum possible from the working helloWorld project to the brand new project and successfully run AVD to display hello world from the brand new project -- DONE
  • Nick: check minimum amount of helloWorld app possible into repository
  • Nick: pull from the repository into a brand new project on a different machine and successfully run AVD to display hello world -- DONE: Sean Ewing and cody did and Nick wrote instructions
  • Terak: Get AVD running and display hello world. -- DONE
  • Terak: Go through Android programming tutorial -- DONE - also created a layout
  • Jian: Display draft home page in AVD -- DONE
  • Sean Ewing: Display home page on a mobile device -- DONE
  • Sean Ewing & Cody: Make active button on home page passing data to another page work on a mobile device -- DONE

Stretch goals:

  • Everyone pull the draft home page version from the repository to a brand new project -- DONE
  • Find way to send a message either wifi or cellular and get a response back -- DONE -- use webview
  • Layout entire app GUI -- DONE

Notes: Use webview to call the main app.

Goals for 121017:

Design goals:

Each person create one interface specification for the area you are working on -- NOT DONE:

Implementation goals:

  • Nick, Jian, Terak: Get AVD running and display draft home page -- NOT DONE: Nick got emulator up, but Jian got it up at home. Terak does not have it finished. Noone got home page running, because couldn't get a successful import.
  • Cody & Sean Ewing: Make git directory structure in team fork -- NOT DONE: don't know what structure should be yet, as couldn't successfully create a new eclipse project and populate it with files from an old project
  • Cody & Sean Ewing: clone the repository into a fresh directory and ensure can still display the home page -- NOT DONE
  • Display home page on a mobile device -- NOT DONE: mismatch between OS running on AVD and Sean Ewing's phone
  • Make an active button on home page that goes to another page -- DONE: Runs AVD and pushes intent to a second page

Stretch goal:

  • take a username on the home page form
  • Determine how the mobile app can 'call' the main app

Notes on 121001 meeting

I did some more thinking about the mobile team's charter. As we discussed, we don't want to duplicate effort on the 'main' system, and we want the mobile app to have as close to the 'same' functionality as the main system as it can. So we want to make use of the main system's use cases and implementation as much as we can, but make the mobile UI act like we expect a mobile device to act.

Part of making the mobile app useful is to create some functionality unique to the mobile device. Though we didn't talk about this in the meeting, I wonder if the mobile team could brainstorm and create use cases related to some characteristic unique to the mobile platform, probably, but not necessarily, having to do with device location or data gathered from some other sensor on the mobile device, like the camera. (Maybe scan a mobile 'square' code and search for the company that made it.)


  • May want to think about whether the app should be allowed to go off line.

Goals for 121008:

  • Make a list of mobile platforms we will support. -- DONE: Gingerbread
  • Create at least one use case for the stock market app that uses a unique feature of a mobile device. -- DONE
  • Create a draft home page for the mobile device. Displaying "Hello SOUSMS" is fine. -- DONE: on the simulator

We'll talk about how to do the following on Wednesday:

  • Create a GitHub fork for the Mobile team -- DONE
  • All team members create a local repository from the Mobile fork -- DONE