Team minutes DB - nordquip/sousms GitHub Wiki

Goals for 121119

  • Each person - rewrite your stored procedure (in src/database/storedProcs.sql), so it will compile and run correctly
  • Each person - Create a test file, e.g., testSell.sql (for Scott) that calls your test procedure, e.g,
    call sell(5,"INTC", 100, 22.5);
  • add as many calls as you need to your test sql file to adequately test your procedure.
  • upload all files to repository src/database

Goals for 121112

  • Test src/database/soussmsInit.sql
  • After testing, close existing task
  • Enter task issue for the build team: in sousms/src/database, do a one-time "source sousmsInit.sql"
  • buy(userID, symbol, #shares, price) returns 1 or 0 -- cole
  • sell(userID, symbol, #shares, price) returns 1 or 0 -- scott
  • getPortfolio(userID) returns (symbol, numberShares, currentPrice) for all symbols currently owned - Emily
  • getTradeHistory(userID) returns (symbol, numberShares, pricePaid) for all symbols ever purchased or sold -- Josh
  • getTokenFor(userID) returns token -- Keith

Goals for 121105:

Yikes, I must have forgotten to put up any goals -- I thought had done this.

What we really need to do is:

  • Finalize what is currently in src/dbInitScript.sql. In src/database/stockMarketScript.txt, I see something close to what we want, but it is not real SQL. It needs to be real sql that will execute correctly when executed with a
    command from the mysql command line.

  • Add Login table - per Jeff's request. I still think we could get by without it, but we will put it in

  • Move this sql to src/database/initUserAndTransactionTables.sql

  • add a command at the end of src/database/sousmsDeclareTables.sql to source in initUserAndTransactionTables.sql.

  • Please do not put .mwb or .docx files in the repository. They can't be diff'ed in any meaningful way. Use .md files for doc and .sql files for src.

Goals for 121029:

  • Make a new repository directory doc/db

  • Move add documents in doc to this new directory

  • Pete - In regards to the stored procs, what are we using from the feed as the current price? bestBidPrice? bestAskPrice?
    LastSale is the current price.

  • All - Create test tables for both implementations we discussed last night in the conference room:
    The use case we are aiming to solve is:

    1. Trade Engine (TE) calls getCashFor(userID)
    2. TE calls getCurrentPriceFor(symbol)
    3. TE calls buy(userID, symbol, #shares)
  • Cole - create transaction with two subtypes cash and stock (with minimal 'nulls') as we did on the right side of the board. Put the sql and any comments regarding this approach in doc/db/transactionWithSubtypes.sql

  • Keith / Scott - create transaction without subtypes as we did last night on left side of board. Put the sql and any comments regarding this approach in doc/db/transactionWithSubtypes.sql

  • Josh - research the trade-off of the cost of doing a select for one record from the large feed table vs the cost of writing each tick record twice -- once in the large table and once in the buffer table. Record a summary of what you find in a new file: doc/db/ in the team fork.

  • Emily - Summarize the current ERD in whatever format communicates the ideas the best before the next meeting and put in doc/db/ERD


At a minimum, we need to modify the example src/db/sousmsInit.sql:

  • Keith - add the feed table to this file (in your team's fork)

  • Scott - add the buffer table to this file (in your team's fork) -- we can take it out later if we decide we don't need it.

  • Cole - sync changes to nordquip/sousms repository

Goals for 121022:

Design goals:

  • Team goal: Create draft ERD
  • Each person create one table shown in the ERD. (We will discuss the ERD next week, which may necessitate some changes to the tables you make this week. C'est la vie.)
  • Each person save the sql used to create your table into the file src/dbInitScript.sql in your team's repository.
  • Everyone should put the SQL they create in this same file, which means you'll have to sync dewittm/sousms to your local system, add the SQL for your table to the file, commit your change, then sync back to dewittm/sousms.


  • Emily had meeting for work, but did not tell Pete
  • Do we need buffer table?
  • Where or whether to store a users current cash balance?
  • Cole - I'm not sure what UserQuery is in your visio ERD.

Implementation goals:

  • All team members need a workable mysql environment, either local or webpages.


  • Need trade history use case.

##Goals for 121015:

Design goals:

  • Each: Write an interface specification you think your area will need. -- NOT DONE: unclear what to do
  • Create file: doc/ in dewittm/sousms -- DONE
  • All Put your use case(s) in this file in .md format -- DONE

Implementation goals:

  • Each team member - create a database on -- NOT DONE. Can't connect.
  • In this database, create a table that would be useful in your area (doesn't have to be perfect or have the 'right' fields -- Just has to be a table). -- DONE: Keith, Scott, Cole finished
  • Copy the SQL used to create this table into the file src/dbInitScript.sql in your team's repository. Everyone should put the SQL they create in this same file, which means you'll have to sync dewittm/sousms to your local system, add the SQL for your table to the file, commit your change, then sync back to dewittm/sousms. The build group will use this file to initialize the database on the real server. -- NOT DONE
  • Pete - email server address to class -- WILL NOT BE DONE
  • Make a table for the feed (see
  • Make necessary fields, for all data items through pctchg.

##Goals for 121008:

###Infrastructure goals:

  • Cole: Create a GitHub fork for the DB team -- DONE
  • Cole: Make all team members collaborators on the fork -- DONE
  • Cole: Send all team members the URL of the fork -- DONE
  • All: Clone the fork to a repository onto your local system -- DONE

###Use case goals:


###Notes: Preliminary division of labor:
Keith - Feed / Trade engine
Scott - Security / User Accounts Emily - Mobile Josh - UI / UA Cole - Trade Engine Others?