Machine Environment - nordquip/sousms GitHub Wiki

Local development environment:

Many of you have installed Apache, MySQL, PhP (*AMP) stacks and are working with them as you do development for the project -- congratulations. Those of you that have not are encouraged to do so. I did the following to set up an environment on my Windows machine, which, of course, does not duplicate the linux server, but is close enough for doing development.

Setting up XAMPP on windows 7

XAMPP is a packaged AMP stack released for linux, Mac, and Windows.

  • Download zip archive to downloads directory
  • Method B: “Installation” without the Installer
  • Unzip to C: (All files are in a directory named XAMPP)
  • Run \xampp\xampp-control.exe
  • MYSQL – click start button
  • MS firewall comes up and asks to allow port access -- I chose: on local network
  • Win 7 required me to enter admin password for modifying firewall
  • Apache – click start button
  • MS firewall comes up and asks to allow port access -- I chose: on local network
  • Win 7 required me to enter admin password for modifying firewall

The main directory for all WWW documents is\xampp\htdocs. If you put a file "test.html" in this directory, you can access it in your browser as http://localhost/test.html

The file http://localhost/test.php demonstrates that php works or not:

    echo 'Hallo world';

Accessing the DB:

You can run phpMyAdmin by visiting http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
open the database named 'test' and experiment

Modifying your path

In order to run the build described in, you will need to:

  • add the .../xampp/mysql/bin directory to your path.
    In windows, start | control panel | system | Advanced system settings | Environment Variables | System variables (bottom window) | Path | click edit button | append ; c:\xampp\mysql\bin to the end of the string. (Assuming you installed xampp in C:. If not, adjust accordingly.)

  • Set Git Bash Shell as your default shell:

Production Server:

We now have a virtual machine hosted by the SOU IT department.

IP Address:

Currently running:

  • CentOS 6.3
  • Apache 2.2.15
  • PHP 5.3.3
  • MySQL Ver 14.14 Dist 5.1.61
  • Python 2.6.6
  • Git 1.7.1

Any problems, please let me know. --Ryan5732

Initial server request


I just put in an SOU IT ticket to request a server:

Andrew Krug kindly worked with me last week to get an IP address,, which I submitted to the NASDAQ as the IP that will be calling their server for feed data. I think it will be about two weeks before the NASDAQ has authorized this IP to receive data, but they might be faster if we are really lucky.

If this machine has a reasonable processor and disk, I think we can use it both to receive data from the feed and serve up the website the CS469 students will be producing.

So, I think we would like to have a LAMP stack installed on it. Can we get root access, so we can install other things, e.g., python, if we need them?

Thanks very much,

Pete Nordquist


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