Deploy Web Applications to Embedded Jetty Server - nordpos/nordpos GitHub Wiki

For Linux

Setup Jetty 9 Web server

  1. Run NORD POS configuration and enable stat-up web application server.
$ ./

Start-up Web Applications Server

  1. After restart NORD POS you can open ROOT Java servlet in web browser by URL http://localhost:8135/.

Web applications Welcome

  1. Also, if you need more information about web application environments, click on Info button or open http://localhost:8135/Welcome.action?info.

Web applications Info

Deploy Java servlets

  1. Open webapps sub-folder in application folder.

  2. Create new folder product-catalog or restaurant-service in webapps.

  3. download war package of Java servlet: Product catalog or Restaurant service.

  4. Extract content of war package to product-catalog or restaurant-service for deploy;

  5. Open ./WEB-INF/lib in web application folders and remove file derbyclient- This is duplicate library of Derby Client.

  6. Start NORD POS application.

  7. Open http://localhost:8135/product-catalog or http://localhost:8135/restaurant-service for check deployed web applications.

If you need change database connection parameters:

  1. Open in text editor ./WEB-INF/web.xml and set <context-param> tags.

If you want add link into ROOT web page:

  1. Open ./ROOT/WEB-INF/jsp/present.jsp and add link into content layout:
    <stripes:layout-component name="content">
        <div class="ui-body">           
            <a href="">
                <img src="<c:url value='/image/logo.png' />" alt="NORD POS mobi"/>
            <p><fmt:message key="label.present" /></p>
            <a href="./product-catalog"
                           class="ui-btn ui-shadow ui-corner-all"
                           role="button">Product Catalog</a>
            <a href="./restaurant-service"
                           class="ui-btn ui-shadow ui-corner-all"
                           role="button">Restaurant Service</a>
  1. Restart NORD POS and refresh pages.


Web Apps Deploy

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️