The VGALize GUI - nordinzakaria/V-GA-lize GitHub Wiki

Upon starting up the app, you will see the following: MenuPage.png missing

Load up a file in gaviz input format; after a while, depending on ur file size (the progress bar will indicate progress), you will see the Population View: PopView.png missing That's a high-level view of the distribution of fitness in the population, 1 row per generation. The color ranges from blue (min fitness) to red (max).

You can swipe the Population View, to get the Graph View. In the Graph View, you can view statistical plot, such as the one below: Average.png missing or like this: StdDev.png missing

In the Population View, you can also zoom in (by scrolling the wheel in ur mouse, or any other zooming action), to get a more detailed view of the population, like the one below: AltPopView.png missing Each individual above is rendered as a colored chromosome layered upon a colored base rectangle. The colors in the chromosome represents the gene values, and that in the base rectangle, the fitness value.

You can click on any of the individuals to get more detailed information, as shown below: IndView-Scores.png missing You can swipe to get details on the parents: IndView-Parents.png missing

Any plot or graph in GaViz can be saved to an image file (png or jpg). Simply click and hold your mouse; a file save dialog will appear.