admin 1: install into oracle - noradle/noradle-oracle-server GitHub Wiki

install the package to local machine

npm -g install noradle-oracle-server


npm -g install git+

noradle-oracle-server have no code to run in OS, no other package will rely on it to run, so npm install globally is ok.

Install NORADLE engine schema objects

Change working directory into this project directory, use sqlplus to login into the target oracle database as sysdba, then execute install.sql script file. Example like this:

cd `npm -g root`
cd noradle-oracle-server
sqlplus "sys/password@targetdb as sysdba" @install.sql

Or if you are on the db server, simply run this.

cd noradle-oracle-server
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @install.sql

or all-in-one way

cd noradle-oracle-server && sqlplus "sys/password@targetdb as sysdba" @install

install from http works also, it's much simpler

for example

sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @

but by now, sqlplus doesn't support run script file from https, only http is supported

Note: noradle core objects will be installed into schema named 'PSP' by default.
PSP is abbreviation for "PL/SQL Server Page", just like PHP, JSP does.
"psp user" stand for noradle core schema name in noradle document.

example installation testing on oracle12c

create a new pluggable database for noradle installation testing.

-- login to root cdb
create pluggable database instpsp 
admin user instpsp identified by instpsp 
roles =(dba) 
default tablespace sysaux;

sqlplus "sys/passwd@//host:port/ as sysdba"

alter database open;
sqlplus "instpsp/instpsp@//qhtdb1:61521/" @

sqlplus "sys/psp7@//qhtdb1:61521/ as sysdba" @install.sql