none http opportunity like SCGI FCGI - noradle/noradle-http GitHub Wiki

SCGI advantages

SCGI advantage over the old traditional CGI

  • SCGI use permanent SCGI server process, not start process for every request like CGI, overhead is saved
  • SCGI support distributed backend cross server machines, can use a cluster of backend SCGI server processes

SCGI is more simple than CGI

  • every request/response cycle is processed in the only one connection between WEB server and SCGI server
  • no need for multiplexing, cause one connection is serving only one request/response
  • no need for type "end" frame, cause request/response body is followed by EOF
  • no need for keep-alive, heart-beat, ping/pong mechanism, just simple
  • no need for graceful quit protocol frame, cause connection is closed after serving the request

direct tunnel SCGI/CGI request to oracle process

  • for new SCGI connection from WEB server like nginx, assign a oSlot or wait for free one
  • use node.js SCGI module to parse request to header hash and body chunks
  • do header disposition further, routing(to x$dbu,x$prog), session data appending just like noradle-http
  • receive response from oracle, process like noradle-http
  • return modified response to WEB server like nginx