NF Descriptive Metadata - noolahamfoundation/standards GitHub Wiki

NF aims to implement the following metadata standards

Metadata Type Standard Example
Descriptive Metadata Extended Dublin Core, MODS
Preservation/Administration/Rights Metadata PREMIS
Technical Metadata PREMIS (Digitization metadata)
Standards specific to content types
Structural Metadata EPUB (for tiff!)
METS (for packaging)

Descriptive metadata describes a resource for purposes such as discovery and identification. It can include elements such as title, abstract, author, and keywords. In our case this information is available in the wiki. It is based on Dublin Core.

The Dublin Core Application profile describes NF’s implementation of Dublin Core. Currently, this is mostly for guidance, more than a strict standard for implementation. This will aid our metadata research and implementation further.

With Dublin Core, it is easy to grasp the core metadata elements. However, it has been long recognized that the basic is not enough, thus they have extended the core with qualifiers (additional metadata terms, vocabulary schemes and syntax schemes).

Another important concept the class. Class is a range

Basic Dublin Core Metadata Set

  1. பெயர்/தலைப்பு - Title
  2. ஆக்கர் - Creator
  3. துறை - Subject
  4. விபரிப்பு - Description
  5. பதிப்பகர் - Publisher
  6. பங்களிப்பாளர் - Contributor
  7. திகதி - Date
  8. வகை - Type
  9. வடிவம் - Format
  10. இனங்காட்டி - Identifier
  11. மூலம் - Source
  12. மொழி - Language
  13. உறவு - Relation
  14. துழாவுகை - Coverage
  15. உரிமங்கள் - Rights
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