NF Administrative Metadata Discussion Paper - noolahamfoundation/standards GitHub Wiki

Title NF’s Administrative Metadata Discussion Paper
Document Type Discussion Paper
Security Classification Technology, RB
Department NF Technology
Author (s) Natkeeran L. Kanthan
Version Initial Draft 1.0 - Jan 12, 2015

Table of Contents

Purpose of the Document

The purpose of the document is to provide technical background information at high level to help determine an administrative metadata standard that can be adopted by the Noolaham Foundation.


This document is intended for Technology Team and RB.

Related Documents

NF Descriptive Metadata Fields

NF Administrative Metadata Fields


Metadata is the “characterization or description documenting the identification, management, nature, use, or location of information resources (data)”. Metadata is organized into the following four major categories: descriptive metadata, structural metadata, user metadata and administrative metadata. Descriptive and structural metadata describe the content and content organization of a resource. “Use Metadata manages user access, user tracking and multi-versioning information.” Administrative metadata is the data needed to create, preserve, manage and use an information resource.

Administrative metadata provides information to help manage a resource, such as when and how it was created, who can access it, copyrights information, selection criteria or archiving policy, contractual information and general administrative information. Administrative metadata is further categorized into technical metadata, preservation metadata and rights management metadata.

Overview of Standards

The concept of administrative metadata and related standards is relatively a new development in archiving. Thus unlike in descriptive metadata where there exist an array of standards (MODs, Dublin Core, MARC), the administrative metadata standards are still evolving. Thus, administrative metadata “tend to be less standardized and more aligned with local requirements.” There is also an overlap between administrative and preservation metadata and metadata standards. In general, administrative metadata encomposes preservation metadata, and different standards emphasize different activities.

Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) along with PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) guidelines have emerged as the more established mechanism to implement administrative metadata. Before reviewing METS and PREMIS we will review other alternatives.

Dublin Core Administrative Components is a proposal developed by DCMI Administrative Metadata Working Group. As with Dublin Core, AC is designed to be simple. However, its scope is limited and has not been widely adopted.

The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) includes elements for administrative metadata. Open Archival Information System has a metadata framework to support preservation of digital objects as well. On the balance, METS and PREMIS solution offers better integrated approach, flexibility, extensibility and wider community support.


The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) is a mature, widely adopted and supported standard to encode descriptive, administrative and structural metadata about digital objects. It is expressed using XML. It is designed in conformance with OAIS. One of the main features of the METS standards is that other metadata standards can be used within its sections.

There are seven possible sections of a METS document:

  • METS Header (metsHdr)
  • Descriptive Metadata Section (dmdSec)
  • Administrative Metadata Section (amdSec)
  • File Group Section (fileSec)
  • Structural Map (structMap)
  • Structural Map Linking Section (structLink)
  • Behavior Section (behaviorSec)
Only Structural Map is mandatory. It describes the hierarchical order of the digital elements within the digital object. The Administrative Metadata section contains four principles subelements. The are:
  • Technical Metadata (techMD)
  • Rights Metadata (rightsMD)
  • Sources Metadata (sourceMD)
  • Preservation Metadata / Digital Provenance Metadata (digiprovMD)
Digital Provenance Metadata “records information about master/derivative relationships between the current digital object and its earlier forms, as well as recording information about format transformations and other preservation actions undertaken by the repository in relation to the object.” PREMIS Data Dictionary has been used to describe the preservation metadata.

The PREMIS Data Dictionary defines a core set of semantic units that repositories should know in order to perform their preservation functions. The Guidelines for Using PREMIS with METS for Exchange document outlines ways to use PREMIS with METs.

Noolaham Foundation Administrative Metadata

Noolaham Foundation has implemented a custom web application to record administrative metadata. That application sections can be mapped to the administrative metadata subelements as below:

Tracking Info - Sources Metadata / Preservation Metadata

Scanning Quality Info - Technical Metadata

Scanning Process Info - Preservation Metadata

Distribution Info - Preservation Metadata

Copyrights Info - Rights Metadata

Additional Info - Preservation Metadata / Technical Metadata

  • Need more info regarding hardware and software being used
  • Need version control
  • Need integrity check

References *****

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Information needed to be collected for each metadata element:

  • metadata name/element
  • metadata description
  • metadata type (string, integer, Boolean)
  • metadata namespace (if applicable)
  • metadata standard (if applicable)

Example: )
  • metadata standard (if applicable): Dublin Core

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