Sound API - noodlecollie/afterburner-game GitHub Wiki


  • EMIT_SOUND_DYN(edict_t *entity, int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenuation, int flags, int pitch): Used to emit a server-side sound that can follow an entity's location.
    • Calls EMIT_SOUND_DYN2(), which is an alias for enginefuncs_t::pfnEmitSound().
  • UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(edict_t *entity, const Vector &vecOrigin, const char *samp, float vol, float attenuation, int fFlags, int pitch): Emits a server-side sound from a fixed location.
    • Calls EMIT_AMBIENT_SOUND(), which is an alias for enginefuncs_t::pfnEmitAmbientSound().


  • cl_enginefunc_t::pfnPlaySoundByNameAtLocation(char *szSound, float volume, float *origin): Plays a sound to the given client only, located at the given origin in the world.
    • This is the function used by StudioMDL event 5004.
  • cl_enginefunc_t::pfnPlaySoundByName(char *szSound, float volume): Plays a sound specified by name to the given client only. The sound is played directly to the client and is not considered to be located at any world position.
  • cl_enginefunc_t::pfnPlaySoundByIndex(int iSound, float volume): Same as above, but a sound index is used instead of a file name.
  • cl_enginefunc_t::pfnPlaySoundByNameAtPitch(char *szSound, float volume, int pitch): Same as pfnPlaySoundByName(), but the pitch of the sound can be specified.
  • cl_enginefunc_t::pfnPlaySoundVoiceByName(char *szSound, float volume, int pitch): Unsure. Doesn't seem to be used in the Half Life libraries.