Plugins - noobot/noobot GitHub Wiki

Plugins are initialised and run once when the bot is connects to Slack. All plugins must implement the IPlugin interface and are defined to be used in the PluginManager found in src/Noobot.Custom/PluginManager in a similar fashion to the PipelineManager

protected override void Initialise()

Please note: the ordering of the plugins are NOT important.

Plugins have a Start and a Stop method and are only constructed ONCE, this means if you add a dependency to a plugin in middleware, then you will always get the same plugin. This enables you to communicate, store and manipulate data in a single place for a domain.

For plugins to communicate with Slack, it must take a dependency on ISlackWrapper which will give the plugin methods for sending messages, getting channel ids and user ids (more functionality will be added when required).

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