Useful stuff - noobling/Homefornow GitHub Wiki

Useful commands

  • heroku addons:open mongolab
  • nodemon Adds hot reloading (server automatically restarts on each file change)
  • heroku config:get MONGODB_URI
  • Windows: ctrl+f mac: cmd+k then cmd+f Auto indentation/formatting of code

Helpful hints for professional software development


In a real world scenario where you have a production application that is being used by customers things start to get complicated very quickly because just this introduces the need for the following:

  • Production application
  • Producation Database
  • Development application
  • Development Database
  • Local application
  • Local Database

Why do we need that development stuff? Just because this thing works on my machine doesn't mean it works on your machine.


The way we make commits is also impacted.

Instance Branch Description, Instructions, Notes
Stable stable Accepts merges from Working and Hotfixes
Working master Accepts merges from Features/Issues and Hotfixes
Features/Issues topic-* Always branch off HEAD of Working
Hotfix hotfix-* Always branch off Stable

There are generally three or four main branches in which developers will branch off, of to make their required changes. Hopefully what each branch is self explanatory from its name. Master is the main branch which contains tested code that is ready to be deployed. Stable branch represents what is in production. Each release should be tagged and each hot fix merged into stable should be tagged. Learn more here

Permission error solution

chmod 755 /Users/null/Documents/Homefornow/node_modules/google-gax/node_modules/*

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️