Producing KVM image the manual way - noobaa/noobaa-core GitHub Wiki


This page will detail how to produce KVM image out of our current ova


  1. GBIO connectivity
  2. NooBaa ova


Your mac with qemu - read here


Connect to GBIO desktop


  1. On the ESX you can find a machine called kvm-srv. power on the machine.
  2. Rename the ova to .tar
  3. Unzip with 7zip the tar.
  4. Use winscp to copy the vmdk to kvm-srv machine (root/you know the password)

kvm-srv console

  1. Open terminal and verify sha1 with openssl sha1 once the copy finished
  2. run the following command: qemu-img convert -p -f vmdk -O qcow2 <same file name with extension .qcow2>
  3. backup the qcow2
  4. click on Applications -> system tools-> virtual machine manager and import eh machine (qcow2 one) - choose linux and CentOS 6.5 (you need to select all options first)
  5. run the wizard and make sure you get ip address and secret key
  6. upload the backup qcow2 to google storage
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