NooBaa Management Console: Command Line utils - noobaa/noobaa-core GitHub Wiki

The NooBaa Management Console application provides some command line utils to help in developing and debugging the product. These util functions can be run from the browser development tools console (In chrome u can access the console via: ⌥+⌘+i).


Downloads Management Console dump file (which includes the state and history of the frontend application) that should be attached to every new frontend related bug.

nb.utils.toggleApiLogging([enable: boolean]))

Toggle the logging of RPC traffic messages to the browser's development tools console. if enable is not provided it will toggle the previous state.


Opens a proprietary debug console tool that tracks the Management Console state and simplify detection, investigation and solving of Management Console bugs.

nb.utils.printAsJsonInNewTab(value: any)

Stringify the value to JSON format and dump the json to a new window/tab.

nb.utils.downloadAsJson(value: any)

Stringify the value to JSON format and download a file containing the json.


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