HTTP GET - nonunknown/Godot-SheetDB GitHub Wiki

Get requests

  • Note that all requests are async, this means that we need a separate thread to get the response

Step 1

Create your button or other node and attach a csharp script:

public override void _Ready()
		string result = "";
		System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(async ()=> {
			result = await SheetDB.GetUserByID("godete");
			GD.Print("done: "+result);
  • result: is where the json response will be
  • Thread: Why you are using System.Threading.Thread instead of just Thread? Because Thread is reserved from Godot namespace , i know its a pain in the ass...
  • the method we are calling does not exists, because we are going to make it;

Step 2

Open the SheetDB.cs file and lets create our first get method:

public static async Task<String> GetUserByID(string ID) 
	string body = "";
	await ConfigClient();
	HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(string.Concat(apiUrl,"/ID/",ID));
	if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
		body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

	return body;


We are going to get the godete row

  • run your game and lets see if everything goes well


  • Don't worry if your code did not worked, the problem is that our code is working but is far from perfect! We need to handle errors.
public static async Task<String> GetUserByID(string ID) {
	string body = "";
	await ConfigClient();

		HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(string.Concat(apiUrl,"/ID/",ID));
		if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
			body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
		else {
			throw new HttpRequestException(response.ReasonPhrase.ToString());
		catch (HttpRequestException e)
			GD.Print("Error at sending request to GetUserByID");

		return body;


Now if some error occurs , the engine will tell us what happened

  • Note: You can see the response.* and what info ou can get from there How do you now the exception type HttpRequestException? Easy dude, look at response var, its a HttpResponseMessage, usually the exception handler has a connection with the operation you are doing.
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