File Format - nonnymoose/QuizBot GitHub Wiki

    "#  for the purposes of this documentation, lines starting with a quotation mark followed by a hash mark are comments"
    "#  comments are not interpreted, and are useful in explaining how things work"
    "#  all keys are optional unless otherwise specified"
    "#  the values here are the default values unless otherwise specified"
    "quizbot_valid": true, "#  mandatory, MUST BE TRUE"
    "description": "**Quiz description**", "#  mandatory, must not be blank, no default"
    "shuffle": false, "#  whether or not the order of the questions should be randomized"
    "reversable": false, "#  whether or not the questions and answers chould be randomly switched (good for quizlets)"
    "time": 10, "#  time limit in seconds per question (overridable)"
    "penalty": 50, "#  penalty in points if the player gets it wrong (overridable)"
    "case": false, "#  whether or not matches should be case-sensitive (overridable)"
    "otherchars": "", "#  characters that should not be ignored (besides letters and numbers) when checking answers  (overridable)"
    "questions": [
        "#  mandatory, must have at least one question"
        "#  below is the structure of the question:"
        ["Question", "Answer", {"overridekey": "overridevalue"}]
        "#  there can be as many questions as you like. Remember commas!"
        "#  The first element of the array is the question text"
        "#  The second element is the answer. By default, it is matched exactly (ignoring all characters except letters, numbers, and otherchars)"
        "#  If, however, the second element begins and ends with slashes, it is interpreted as a regular expression. ADVANCED USERS ONLY!"
        "#  The third element of the array is an object with key/value pairs that override key/value pairs chosen above"

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