High Level Architecture - nonironman/flotski GitHub Wiki


This page contains high level architecture of Flotski Awesome Booking System. Included database structure and some basic description.

Technical information (?)

As a database engine was decided to use Postgre, because it is free and easy to use. As a backend framework was decided to use python-based Django for python knowledge improving. Version of Python - 3.7. For frontend there is no solution for now, will be done after API implementation.

Database Structure

Main entities:

  • User - person who creates bookings, guests, another users, manages rooms (depended on permissions);
  • Room - room in hotel;
  • Guest - person who stays in hotel, managed by User;
  • Booking - created by User record characterizes start and end dates of some guest(s) staying in hotel;
  • Permission - defines User's possibility Other entities are for correct linking main ones.
