MAP VPS Setup - noncesense-research-lab/archival_network GitHub Wiki


Authors: @neptuneresearch @serhack


See /map_vps_setup_files for configuration files.

See /map_vps_setup_scripts for bash scripts for each section.
The first script will set all of the scripts as executable and proceed to run them all, pausing for user keypress after each section completes.

OS Setup

Software Update

Run the following command to update the OS packages.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y 

This may cause the grub installer to appear. If it does:

  1. Optional: Review differences
  2. Accept differences
  3. Choose the device the OS is installed on, default is /dev/sda
  4. Choose not to install grub


This may already be installed.
See Automatic Updates for more information.

sudo apt install unattended-upgrades

UFW Firewall

  1. Install.

    sudo apt-get install ufw

  2. Configure by running each of the following rule commands.

Rule Command Purpose
sudo ufw default allow outgoing Allow all outgoing traffic
sudo ufw default deny incoming Deny all incoming traffic by default
sudo ufw allow from any to any port 4422 proto tcp Allow incoming traffic to TCP port 4422 for sshd
sudo ufw allow from any to any port 18080 proto tcp Allow incoming traffic to TCP port 18080 for monerod
  1. Enable the firewall and its logging.

    sudo ufw enable
    sudo ufw logging on

UTC Time Zone

All MAP nodes must be in the UTC time zone in order to standardize the timestamps in the archive output.

  1. Run the timezone configuration tool.

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

  2. Enter the following configuration.

Setting Value
Geographic area None of the above
Time zone UTC
  1. Result example:

    Current default time zone: 'Etc/UTC'
    Local time is now: Sun Oct 7 00:13:21 UTC 2018.
    Universal Time is now: Sun Oct 7 00:13:21 UTC 2018.

Hostname MAP-CITY-X

Set the hostname to MAP-CITY-X, where CITY is the city where the server is physically located, and X is the index of the server in that city starting at 0. Example: MAP-TOKYO-0

sudo echo "MAP-CITY-0" > /etc/hostname
sudo hostname -F /etc/hostname

Hosts File Self Entry

If the server has a domain name, add a self entry for the server to the file /etc/hosts.

Add line to end: hostname


Key Value Public IP for server Domain name for server
hostname Hostname for server (MAP-CITY-X, same as in /etc/hostname)

Message of the Day

Set the Message of the Day on the server with the following command.

sudo echo "Welcome to $HOSTNAME part of the MAP (Monero Archival Project). Project coordinator : IsthmusCrypto. Infra Coordinator : SerHack. Any issues should be reported to the Project Coordinator" > /etc/motd

MAP User Account

  1. Create the user account map.

    sudo adduser map

  2. Add map to sudo group so it can sudo.

    sudo usermod -aG sudo map

  3. Create sshusers group (used by sshd_config AllowGroups).

    sudo groupadd sshusers

  4. Add map to sshusers group.

    sudo adduser map sshusers

sshd Configuration

Recommend to first backup original configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config for future reference.

Quick Configuration

  1. Install the file map_vps_setup_files/sshd_config as /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

  2. Skip to step 4 of the Full Configuration.

Full Configuration

Configure sshd via its configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config as follows.

1. Add Custom Settings

Add the following settings.

Setting Description
Port 4422 Use nonstandard port so that naive attempts to connect on the default port are rejected quicker
AddressFamily inet Use ipv4 only
PermitRootLogin no No root account login over ssh
LoginGraceTime 60 Login attempts timeout after 60 seconds
MaxAuthTries 8 Login attempts limit to 8
PubkeyAuthentication yes Enable login via public key authentication
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys File which stores authorized public keys (NOTE: this is one line, the Markdown may have wrapped it to 2 lines)
PasswordAuthentication no Disable login via password
Protocol 2 Disable SSH protocol V1
AllowGroups sshusers Only allow login from users of group sshusers

2. Check Default Settings

The following default settings can remain.

Default Setting
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
UsePAM yes
X11Forwarding yes
PrintMotd no
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

3. Disable All Other Settings

All other settings in the file that do not appear in the table below should be disabled by commenting the line with # at the beginning, ex: #AddressFamily any

4. Add Authorized Keys

  1. Create the folder /home/map/.ssh and chmod 700 /home/map/.ssh.

  2. Install the file /map_vps_setup_files/authorized_keys as /home/map/.ssh/authorized_keys and chmod 600 /home/map/.ssh/authorized_keys.

  3. Add other public SSH keys as desired.

  4. Set owner on /home/map/.ssh and its contents: sudo chown -R map:map /home/map/.ssh

5. Apply Configuration

After configuring, restart ssh.

sudo systemctl restart ssh

6. Troubleshooting

If ssh fails to restart because of bad configuration, you can find the invalid configuration line(s) in the syslog at /var/log/syslog.

7. Expected ssh Responses

With the above configuration:

ssh login command ssh response
ssh map@map-city-0 Connection refused
ssh map@map-city-0 -p 4422 -i ~/.ssh/map (and client DOES NOT have key in authorized_keys) Permission denied (publickey)
ssh map@map-city-0 -p 4422 -i ~/.ssh/map (and client DOES have key in authorized_keys ) Login is successful

monerod-archive Setup

Filesystem Directories

monerod-archive requires the following directories.

Directory Purpose
/usr/bin/monero Application
/var/lib/monero Data (aka .bitmonero)
/var/log/monero Logs
/opt/monerodarchive monerod-archive output

All directories should have permissions 755 and owner map:map.

For each directory, replace the directory name into the following commmands:

# Create directory
sudo mkdir /usr/bin/monero
# Set owner to map user, map group
sudo chown map:map /usr/bin/monero
# Set directory permissions
sudo chown 755 /usr/bin/monero

Download monerod-archive

cd /usr/bin/monero
tar -vxf ./monerod-archive-v8-linux-amd64.tar.gz

monerod-archive Configuration File

  1. Install the file /map_vps_setup_files/monerod-archive.conf as /etc/monerod-archive.conf.

  2. Set owner and permissions as follows.

sudo chown map:map /etc/monerod-archive.conf
sudo chmod 644 /etc/monerod-archive.conf

monerod-archive Systemd Service

  1. Install the file /map_vps_setup_files/monerod-archive.service as /etc/systemd/system/monerod-archive.service.

  2. Reload systemd service files: sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  3. Enable monerod-archive service at startup: sudo systemctl enable monerod-archive

  4. Start monerod-archive service now: sudo systemctl start monerod-archive

  5. Check status of monerod-archive service: sudo systemctl status monerod-archive

monerod-archive Logrotate Setup

Install the file /map_vps_setup_files/monerod-archive.logrotate.conf as /etc/logrotate.d/monerod-archive.

collectd Setup

Install collectd

apt−get install collectd collectd-utils

Quick Configuration

Install the file map_vps_setup_files/collectd.conf as /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.

Full Configuration

  1. Edit the file /etc/collectd/collectd.conf and enable the plugin "Network". The other plugins (cpu, df etc..) have been already enabled . A list of plugins that can be set up.

    TODO: add lists of plugins enabled.

  2. Add the following block in Plugin configuration section

<Plugin processes>
	CollectFileDescriptor true
	CollectContextSwitch true
	Process "monerod-archive-v7"

<Plugin ping>
    Interval 1.0
    Timeout 0.9
    TTL 255
    MaxMissed -1

<Plugin network>

Replace $GRAFANAHOST, $GRAFANAPORT with ip address and port where Grafana and InfluxDB are installed.

  1. Go to Grafana dashboard. Select the appropriate hostname and then it will show you the new data! (It may take some minutes to fetch data).
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