Denise Pinout - nonarkitten/amiga_replacement_project GitHub Wiki

-----      -----------     ------------------      ----------
 01-07     D6-D0           Data bus lines 6 to 0       I/O
 08        M1H             Mouse 1 horizontal          I
 09        M0H             Mouse 0 horizontal          I
 10-17     RGA8-RGA1       Register address bus 8-1    I
 18        BURST*          Color burst                 O
 19        VCC             +5 Volt                     I
 20-23     R0-R3           Video red bits 0-3          O
 24-27     B0-B3           Video blue bits 0-3         O
 28-31     G0-G3           Video green bits 0-3        O
 32        /CSYNC          Composite sync              I (ECS)
 33        ZD*             Background indicator        O
 34        CDAC            CDAC clock                  I (ECS)
 35        7M              7.15909  MHZ                I
 36        CCK             Color clock                 I
 37        VSS             Ground                      I
 38        M0V             Mouse 0 vertical            I
 39        M1V             Mouse 1 vertical            I
 40-48     D15-D7          Data bus lines 15 to 7      I/O