1. Installation - nollidnosnhoj/travel2change GitHub Wiki


This is a step-by-step guide on installing the project into your local computer.

  1. In the terminal (or command prompt), navigate to the folder to clone the repository.
    • I have mine in C:\Development\
  2. Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/nollidnosnhoj/travel2change.git
  3. Navigate inside the travel2change folder: cd travel2change
  4. Make sure Python 3.6+ is installed. Refer to this article: https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/en/python_installation/
  5. Create a virtual environment
  6. Activate your virtual environment
    • Windows: env\scripts\activate
    • Linux/OSX: source env\bin\activate
    • You will know it is successful if there are no errors after inserting, and there's the name of the virtual environment left of the command input.
  7. Install all the requirements: python -m pip install -r requirements/local.txt
    • Linux/Mac users may not need to add python -m but may need to modify pip to pip3
  8. "Enable" environment variables.
    • Go to config/settings/ and find the .env.example file. Duplicate the file, and on the duplicated file, rename it to .env. This will "enable" the environment variables.
  9. Migrate your database: python manage.py migrate
    • This will migrate the database
    • Make sure you are in the travel2change folder.
    • Linux/Mac users either need to change python to python3 or just insert manage.py migrate
  10. Create super user: python manage.py createsuperuser
  11. Run the server: python manage.py runserver

If you are having issues with installing this project, please create an issue on this Github repository, or discuss the issue on the Slack channel. We will try our best to solve your issue. Also, please refer to the article linked below.

Reference: https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/en/django_installation/