2019.12.07 - nolleh/EngConversation GitHub Wiki



  1. What does it take to ~ doing ~ 하는데 어떤 노력이 들어가는가 거의 what is it ~ 같이 연음으로 이어서 들린다.
  2. What's the point of ~ doing
    • ~ 하는게 무슨 소용이야
  3. a part of ...
  4. whether (or not)

manipulative - 조종하는


I know (about) punishment,
He didn't deserve that..
he follows your (중복해서 주어를 사용) stupid rules
and still wasn't good enough ?
what does it take to please you,
break your rules and you fall,
follow tem and you still lose.
(it) doesn't matter whether you're a sinner,
doesn't matter whether you're a saint.
no body can win, so what's the point.
what's the bloody point?


  1. be satisfied with

  2. if possible, for a long time

  3. almost all the time = atmot times

  4. taking it out on = ~ 에 (화)풀이 하다

  5. it is needed

  6. may be, perhaps : 문장의 처음에 등장 probably, might, may : 문장의 중간에 등장

  7. at times like that : 그런 때에는

  8. won't (will not)

  9. almost abount to : 거의 ~ 할뻔했다.

  10. stayed night up : 밤을 새다

  11. a while ago : 얼마전