Tutorial - nolialsea/botcoin GitHub Wiki

Playing BotCoin can be pretty simple since it's mostly an idle game.

Most commands have to be sent to BotCoin directly, if you are using a client that allows it, simply open a private conversation with BotCoin.
If you can't or don't know how to open a private conversation, type :
/msg BotCoin help
BotCoin should then send you a private message, and depending on your irc client should pop a new conversation somewhere


Let's start by creating an account by simply sending to CoinBot :
register exampleLogin examplePassword
This will register and connect you at the same time.


If you have been disconnected for whatever reason, just send
connect exampleLogin examplePassword
BotCoin should answer you to say if you are connected or something went wrong.

Mine !

Now the real action begins !
Send mine to BotCoin
He should answer you something like
You mined for 0.42 minute(s) at 31.33% rate, earning 0.00015995 gold !
The time you mined is defined by the duration since the last mining (or registration in your case)
The rate is purely random, it can be anything between 0 and 100% and you cannot do anything about that. It directly defines the amount of gold produced in one mining.
And then the amound of gold mined. It seems ridiculous don't you think ? Remember that you started mining not even a minute ago !

Pickaxes !

They allow to mine more gold, but you have to repair them frequently at a small fee, otherwise they will finally break.
To create a new pickaxe, type :
create 0.00015 Pickaxe of Destiny
This will create a pickaxe named "Pickaxe of Destiny" that will have a power and max durability of investment (0.00015 here) multiplied by the current power and durability ratio (see Variables), finally multiplied by a random number between 0 and 1. It means that an investment of 1 can result in a pickaxe with 1 power and 1 max durability, but you can have zero for both too.
Don't be afraid if all of this is still confusing, you don't even have to understand all of that, you just have to understand that it has X% of your investment, where X can be 0 to 100% (or above for some variables)

Your new pickaxe will be used each time you type the mine command to earn more gold.