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Show help

Command : help
Send you the link to this page. I don't want to write a command line documentation since everything is here, so yeah, deal with it.


Command : register LOGIN PASSWORD
Register a new account and connect to it automatically. You should only do it once.
The password is badly encrypted in md5, not even salted, so don't use your usual passwords (maybe i will salt it some day, but not much more).


Command : connect LOGIN PASSWORD
Connect to an existing account.
You will need to reconnect basically after each time you quit the channel
You keep the connection even when you change your nick


Command : connected
Tells you if you are connected or not


Command : mine
Mine random()*delta*playerLevel gold, where delta is the number of days since the last mining (or registration) as a floating point.
Basically, you will earn between 0 and 1 gold per day with your bare hands (at level 1 without pickaxe, pickaxes allows to mine more)
Using this command only computes the gold you earned since the last mining, it "updates" your wallet if you prefer, but does not allow to earn more so spamming it is useless.
If you have a pickaxe, it will mine automatically too, earning random()*delta*pickaxePower taking random()*delta*pickaxePower*damageRatio damages. If it breaks during the mining, the gold that should have been mined by the pickaxe is lost.


You can use your currencies to craft, upgrade, or repair pickaxes.
Mining damages the equipped pickaxe proportionnally to its power (random()*delta*damageRatio).
A pickaxe that is completely broken is DESTROYED, but you can repair damaged ones.
You can invest gold to upgrade them, the quality of the upgrade is based on the amount of gold invested, same for pickaxe creation.
I try to keep the maths of how much gold a pickaxe can mine (before repairs and upgrades) in its lifetime to roughly double its investment.
So due to randomness, a pickaxe have a small chance to actually mine less gold than how much you invested on it

Pickaxes creation

Command : create INVESTMENT NAME
Creating a pickaxe gives it random()*INVESTMENT*creationPowerRatio power and random()*INVESTMENT*creationMaxDurabilityRatio max durability.
INVESTMENT is the amount of gold you want to spend to forge this pickaxe, it should be a positive floating number
INVESTMENT should be a positive floating number, so 0.42, 42 and .42 have a correct format
NAME can be 32 characters long and contain pretty much any character, even spaces
You can only have one pickaxe, and creating a new one will DELETE the previous

Pickaxe upgrade

Command : upgrade INVESTMENT
Upgrading a pickaxe adds random()*INVESTMENT*upgradePowerRatio to its power and random()*INVESTMENT*upgradeMaxDurabilityRatio to max durability, but does not repair it
INVESTMENT should be a positive floating number, so 0.42, 42 and .42 have a correct format Pickaxes keep track of how many upgrades they have... I may or may not use it later

Pickaxe repair

Command : repair INVESTMENT
Repairing a pickaxe adds random()*INVESTMENT*repairRatio to its durability, but is limited by the max durability of the pickaxe. Excess investment is LOST
INVESTMENT should be a positive floating number, so 0.42, 42 and .42 have a correct format

Show pickaxe

Command : pickaxe or pick
Shows detailed description of your equiped pickaxe


You can invest time to gain experience.
Commands : train to train and level or lvl to display your level
You gain random()*delta*levelingRate/playerLevel levels when doing a training (it gets harder and harder to level up).
Training COUNT AS A MINING since it takes time (it updates your lastMining), but does not give you gold.
Small info, i've done the maths, in 1 year of daily training (no mining at all), you will be level ~18-19, in 10 years, level ~60 =) Your level allows you to :

  • Increase your base power when hand mining (does not affect pickaxe)
  • Increase your daily mining bonus (see super mining, not implemented yet)

Show delta

Command : delta
Shows the time since the last mining. Use this to be sure you won't break your pickaxe.

Show gold

Command : gold
Simply shows you how much gold you have.


Command : randomize INVESTMENT
Lose INVESTMENT gold, receive INVESTMENT*random()*2 gold
INVESTMENT should be a positive floating number, so 0.42, 42 and .42 have a correct format