Quickstart Guide to MultiMarkdown - nolboo/wiki-syntax GitHub Wiki

Quickstart Guide to MultiMarkdown

Quick start instructions, for those in a hurry...

General Instructions

  1. Download the MultiMarkdown package:


  2. Unzip/untar it

  3. MultiMarkdown can be run from anywhere, but is easiest when installed in a "common" location:

    • Windows:

      • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\MultiMarkdown
      • C:\Documents and Settings<user>\MultiMarkdown
    • Mac OS X or *nix

      • ~/Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown (preferred on Mac OS X)
      • ~/.multimarkdown
      • /Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown (preferred on Mac OS X)
      • /usr/share/multimarkdown
  4. In the "bin" directory, there are a couple of perl scripts designed to take a MultiMarkdown text file and convert to XHTML, or LaTeX, or pdf. These scripts are designed to be able to be run from anywhere. You can leave them where they are, or install them somewhere in your path directory:

    • mmd2XHTML.pl

    • mmd2LaTeX.pl

    • mmd2PDF.pl

    • mmd2PDFXeLaTeX.pl

    • mmd2letter.pl

  5. To use these files, do something like the following:

     cd MultiMarkdown
     bin/mmd2XHTML.pl file.txt

    where "file.txt" is the MultiMarkdown file you wish to process. "file.html" will be created automatically

  6. You can now open file.html in your web browser, or do what you like with it.

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