02_12_2017 Design Ideas - nolauren/pmproject GitHub Wiki

  • Modules Landing Page*

List all the sites:

Alaska Center for Documentary Film Appalshop Community Film Workshop of Chicago Otisville Boys School Young Filmmakers Foundation

Down the road: We could put a map where people can then click based on geography.

  • Landing Page for the Particular Module (ex. Chicago)*

When a user lands on a module page, they should see the options for exploring that site. We thought it would be cool for the materials to be represented through their analogue equivalent. For example, when a user lands on the Chicago page, they see:

  • An Image: This would a picture(s) of people making media. It would be the header on the page.

Below would be text contextualizing the site. It would be aligned to the left and go down the left side of the page like a column. To the right of this column of text, would be the following:

  • Films: Thumbnails for each film in the style of a strip of 16mm film. Each frame would include a thumbnail from a Chicago film. Down the line, it could be a short 10 second clip of the film that played when you hovered over it.
  • Supporting Documents: A thumbnail of the document inside of a filing folder. Thumbnails would be in a row below the film strip. This will include materials that are not photographs.
  • Photographs: If there are photos (as is the case of Chicago), we can put the photos in a [contact sheet[(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/50/53/de/5053dece1b2f386df3df6b965ec4fe42.jpg). Again, it would just be one horizontal line.

Film Page for a Module

When a user clicks on a film thumbnail, they land on a viewing page. Two viewing experiences would be available:

  1. Allows the user to annotate the film. This is the video interface from Rochester.
  2. Just a basic streaming viewer with no participatory component.

Below the viewer would be two columns. The left column will have text about the film. The right column will be metadata.

Browse Page

Faceted search based on:

  • theme (To be determined but for example food, ritual, coming of age, media making, craft, politics, work, traditions)
  • module (ex. Appalshop, CFWC Chicago)
  • type of ( ex. material (film, documents, photos)

The thought is that it would have a left column with the search options that be toggled on and off. Then the right column (which would be about 3/4 the page) would be images of the item. So, it would be a grid that is say 5 across and as many rows as necessary. If the user selects "Appalshop", "Chicago" and "Tradition" they get all the related materials. We thought it would be cool to keep the idea of using the analogue version to represent the material. So, in this example, the following might show up in our grid:

  • a frame of film with the image of the related Appalshop film (x3)
  • a frame of film with the image of the related Chicago film (x4)
  • an image of a document with the related Chicago document (x10)
  • an image of a document with the related Appalshop document (x10)

Materials for Chicago:

CFWC Commercial - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6zkbDdW8bzIb0JhSkRLajd1MXc/view?usp=sharing

CFWC Films - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B6zkbDdW8bzIN0tfMnRXV0J4S2M (Everything in this folder is for Chicago except the one that says Am_Ind_Promo.)

CFWC Photos and Docs - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6zkbDdW8bzITnNma252c0h6Nmc

Side notes:

  • Annotating contact sheets as a possible type UI.
  • front page: streaming clips of films with film strips and moving around what is up there