Building and running NED mobile client - nokiaeducationdelivery/ned-mobile-client GitHub Wiki

Follow these steps to start up development of the Java NED mobile client:

Building the project

  • Install NetBeans from Make sure you include Java ME components in the installation.
  • clone the ned-mobile-client repository

git clone [email protected]:nokiaeducationdelivery/ned-mobile-client.git

  • After installing NetBeans and cloning the source code repository, go to File->New Project and select Java ME Mobile Project with Existing MIDP Sources. Click next.
  • Now select the path to your ned-mobile-client source folder until you reach the java folder, as the screenshot shows. Also, select the path to your ned.jad which is inside your ned-mobile-client directory and click next.
  • continue with default settings, type a project name and "Finish"
  • you should have the project created and some errors will appear. Don't worry this is normal, because you are missing some paths to jars/resources. To fix this click with the right mouse button on the project name, go to Properties and click on Libraries & Resources.
  • Add the kxml2 jar located in your ned-mobile-client/lib folder.
  • Next, you need to download LWUIT.jar version 1.4 from the official LWUIT website:
    Download link
    If the link dosen't work, locate LWUIT 1.4 at the LWUIT download website (look for downloading previous versions):
    Unpack the zip file, copy LWUIT.jar (look for it in the /lib folder) to the ned-mobile-client/lib and add LWUIT.jar to your project (Properties -> Libraries & Resources)
  • At this point all errors should disappear.

Running the project on emulator

  • Run the project, the emulator should appear.
    If the following error occures when running:
    *** Error ***
    A problem occured during deploying application from *.jad
    There is insufficient storage to install this suite
    remove unnecessary libraries from the emulator. To do so right click on project -> Properties -> Platform. In the view "Optional Packages" deselect e.g. Mobile 3D Graphics Optional Package, or more packages if needed.
  • Other issues might require setting the appropriate platform configuration. The default working configuration for NED mobile client is:
    Select Platform Type: CLDC/MIDP
    Emulator Platform: Java(TM) Platform Micro Edition SDK 3.0
    Device: DefaultFxPhone1
    Device Configuration: CLDC-1.1
    Device Profile: MIDP-2.0