Packaging - nokia/minifold GitHub Wiki



  1. Install the packages needed to interact with PyPI. For example, under Debian-based distribution, run:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-twine
  1. Assuming you're involved in this package, configure your ~/.pypirc by providing appropriate token. For further details, see this link.
username = __token__
password = pypi-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Rebuild the package

Build, check and upload the package:

python3 sdist
python3 -m build --wheel
twine check dist/*
twine upload dist/*

Linux packages


Install the packages needed to build .rpm and .deb packages:

  • python3-setuptools
  • python3-stdeb for .deb packages
  • rpm for .rpm packages

For example, under Debian-based distribution, run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-setuptools python3-stdeb rpm

.rpm package

To build the .rpm package (in dist/), run:

cd ~/git/minifold/
python3 bdist_rpm

.deb package

To build the .deb package (in deb_dist/), run:

python3 --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb