Pixy - noisedeck/noisedeck-docs GitHub Wiki


The Pixy synth module enables you to add your own images to your creations.


The Pro version of Pixy allows you to load animated GIFs into Noisedeck. Please note that the GIF decoder has problems with some GIFs, so not all possible GIFs will work.

A major feature of Pixy is the ability for you re-import GIFs that you made with Noisedeck, allowing multiple post-processing passes and other interesting things.

GIF Buddy


  • Image File - loads the image into Noisedeck on your device
  • Position - snaps the image to the specified location
  • Scale - makes the image larger or smaller
  • Tiling - repeats the image horizontally, vertically, or neither
  • Offset X - moves the image horizontally
  • Offset Y - moves the image vertically
  • Bkg Color - sets the background color for transparent areas
  • Bkg Opacity - sets the opacity of the background color. Opacity is only effective when used with Coalesce in alpha blending mode