Moodscape - noisedeck/noisedeck-docs GitHub Wiki


Moodscape is a pro synth module that creates soft, flowing noise using the Oklab colorspace.



  • Scale - makes the noise larger or smaller
  • Color Mode - selects the color mode to use
  • Ridges - enables or disables a sharper edge to the noise
  • Blend - selects the "interpolation", or shape of the noise
  • Refract - adjusts how shiny or glassy the noise is
  • Speed - adjusts the animation speed
  • Hue Rotate - adjusts which colors Moodscape uses
  • Intensity - adjusts the brightness and contrast

Additional Settings

This module has additional settings under the ≣ menu.

  • Seed - sets the seed that is used to randomize the noise
  • Motion Blur - blends the noise with previous frame, causing a blur effect
  • Wrap - make Noisedeck try to wrap the edges of the image around, if possible