Mangler - noisedeck/noisedeck-docs GitHub Wiki


The Mangler post-processing module offers a number of bread-and-butter special effects for manipulating Noisedeck's mixed output.

Tip: Twitter's GIF file size limit is 15 megs. The "posterize" effect can help you squeeze in under the limit.



  • Effect - selects an effect filter
  • Effect Amount - sets the range of the effect filter
  • Scale - makes the input larger or smaller
  • Rotate - rotates the input
  • Offset X - moves the horizontal center
  • Offset Y - moves the vertical center
  • Flip - flips the input horizontally and/or vertically
  • Invert - inverts or flips the color of the output
  • Intensity - adjusts the brightness and contrast of the output
  • Saturation - adjusts the saturation of the output