GIF Buddy - noisedeck/noisedeck-docs GitHub Wiki

GIF Buddy

GIF Buddy is a pro synth module that allows you to load animated GIFs into Noisedeck. Please note that the GIF decoder has problems with some GIFs, so not all possible GIFs will work.

A major feature of GIF Buddy is the ability for you re-import GIFs that you made with Noisedeck, allowing multiple post-processing passes and other interesting things.

GIF Buddy


  • Image File - loads the GIF into Noisedeck on your device
  • Position - snaps the GIF to the specified location
  • Scale - makes the GIF larger or smaller
  • Tiling - repeats the GIF horizontally, vertically, or neither
  • Offset X - moves the GIF horizontally
  • Offset Y - moves the GIF vertically